Date of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (Physician Assistant)


Physician Assistant; College of Health Sciences

First Advisor

Zachary T. Weik, DSc, MHS, PA-C


Migraines are a common problem that medical providers encounter, especially in primary care, neurology, and the emergency department. Given that 15% of the population suffers from migraines annually, it is important for providers to know how to diagnose migraines. Migraines may also present as a symptom of another disorder, so being able to recognize whether symptoms are alarming is crucial to start the correct workup. The mainstay abortive therapy for migraines is ibuprofen, and for prophylactic therapy is topiramate. However, CGRP targeted medications like gepants and CGRP mAbs may be the new treatment of choice for abortive and prophylactic treatment respectively.



Migraine Treatment in Primary Care

Migraines are a common problem that medical providers encounter, especially in primary care, neurology, and the emergency department. Given that 15% of the population suffers from migraines annually, it is important for providers to know how to diagnose migraines. Migraines may also present as a symptom of another disorder, so being able to recognize whether symptoms are alarming is crucial to start the correct workup. The mainstay abortive therapy for migraines is ibuprofen, and for prophylactic therapy is topiramate. However, CGRP targeted medications like gepants and CGRP mAbs may be the new treatment of choice for abortive and prophylactic treatment respectively.