Date of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (Physician Assistant)


Physician Assistant; College of Health Sciences

First Advisor

Elizabeth Masten PA-C


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a disease that affects the sensory, motor, sudomotor, vasomotor and trophic systems of patients. The pathophysiology is currently unknown and the diagnostic criteria that is used, the Budapest criteria, has its own shortcomings. This had led to hurdles in the research of the disease and well as a lack of high-quality studies on the efficacy of the many treatments currently being used to treat CRPS today. This poster explores those concepts.



Examining the Efficacy of Treatments for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a disease that affects the sensory, motor, sudomotor, vasomotor and trophic systems of patients. The pathophysiology is currently unknown and the diagnostic criteria that is used, the Budapest criteria, has its own shortcomings. This had led to hurdles in the research of the disease and well as a lack of high-quality studies on the efficacy of the many treatments currently being used to treat CRPS today. This poster explores those concepts.