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Date of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (Physician Assistant)


Physician Assistant; College of Health Sciences

First Advisor

Kevin Basile


Phantom limb pain (PLP) is a perplexing phenomenon posing multifaceted challenges to many healthcare professionals and researchers for decades. It requires an in-depth understanding of its complex neurophysiological background, which has previously been poorly understood. Additionally, the psychosocial impact of PLP on individuals, including mental health and overall quality of life, requires in-depth analysis. As there is currently no definitive treatment for this condition, there is an urgent need to explore novel therapeutic approaches. This Continuing Medical Education poster will highlight the critical gaps in our understanding and management of PLP emphasizing the necessity for research and advancements to enhance the care and well-being of individuals living with this challenging condition.



Unraveling and Alleviating Phantom Limb Pain: A Comprehensive Analysis

Phantom limb pain (PLP) is a perplexing phenomenon posing multifaceted challenges to many healthcare professionals and researchers for decades. It requires an in-depth understanding of its complex neurophysiological background, which has previously been poorly understood. Additionally, the psychosocial impact of PLP on individuals, including mental health and overall quality of life, requires in-depth analysis. As there is currently no definitive treatment for this condition, there is an urgent need to explore novel therapeutic approaches. This Continuing Medical Education poster will highlight the critical gaps in our understanding and management of PLP emphasizing the necessity for research and advancements to enhance the care and well-being of individuals living with this challenging condition.