"Book Review Solidarity without Borders: Gramscian perspectives on mig" by David Feldman


David Feldman


In recent years, migration has emerged as one of the most politically charged issues in global society. From the Bangladeshi government's harsh treatment of thousands of Rohingya families fleeing the Burmese army’s genocidal campaign against them in late summer of 2017, to the Trump administration's decision sustained attack on the new “sanctuary movement” and attempts to further militarize the southern border of the United States, news headlines and social media around the world are filled with images of repression against migrants, alongside impassioned calls for solidarity. Despite its ubiquity, the coverage of these events tends to remain rather superficial, making Solidarity without Borders a timely work that succeeds in unpacking some of the underlying issues related to migration and the festering crisis of global capitalism, and hopefully contributing to the development of a more powerful response from the left.
