Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2015

Course Name

US235.1 - Born Digital: Voice of the Net Generation


Jeanne Buckley


University Seminar, Arcadia University Undergraduate Curriculum


The purpose of this research was to find whether personality trait affects behavior on social media. An online survey was made to determine personality trait and specific behaviors seen on social media. The survey was distributed online. Through the data I collected I found that extroverts use social media more than introverts and introverts do use game, music, and entertainment apps more than extroverts do. I found that extroverts do comment more than introverts. Extroverts were heavily concentrated in the frequently post and rarely post sections, whereas, introverts were clustered in the very rarely post and rarely post sections. I also found that extroverts spend the most time on apps they enjoy than introverts do. Introverts tend to talk to those who are more familiar to them, whereas, extroverts talked to people who they did not know. I found that more extroverts believed that they communicate the same as in person and in social media. I found that extroverts and introverts take sort of the same stance with most of them saying that social media could have affected their personality.
