


This study investigates the olfactory decision-making of the Acheta domesticus (European house cricket), specifically focusing on resource prioritization between mating and food preferences. Utilizing approximately 50 mature and 50 juvenile crickets, the experiment involved filter papers scented with female pheromones and dog food to represent mating and food resources. While mature males showed a slight preference for female cues, the difference was not statistically significant with a 95% confidence level. In contrast, juvenile crickets exhibited a significant preference for female scents over food scents. Additionally, Mann-Whitney U-tests revealed no significant differences between the two groups in the time spent on either filter paper. This study contributes to understanding resource prioritization in house crickets, suggesting that, in the given conditions, both juvenile and mature males prioritize mating cues over food cues. However, the lack of significant differences between the groups raises questions about potential changes in preferences with maturity. The study concludes by proposing avenues for further research, including increasing sample sizes, exploring different food types, and considering hunger levels as a potential variable influencing resource prioritization in crickets.
