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Date of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (Physician Assistant)


Physician Assistant; College of Health Sciences

First Advisor

Diana Hawthorne


Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting millions worldwide. Its effects can present and subside acutely or linger for years while appearing at any age. Given its mass effect on an individual’s physical and mental health, patients are eagerly seeking help from medical providers to keep their symptoms under control. It has become increasingly apparent that the pathophysiology of acne is often misunderstood by providers as antibiotics are being used as its go-to treatment. This article serves to address the misuse of antibiotics as a treatment for acne as well as the resulting increase in antimicrobial resistance. Nonpharmacologic treatment methods have become a heightened topic for researchers to study as a means of properly addressing, treating and educating providers and their patients on acne.



Nonpharmacological Treatment of Acne Vulgaris as a Method to Targeting Antimicrobial Resistance

Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting millions worldwide. Its effects can present and subside acutely or linger for years while appearing at any age. Given its mass effect on an individual’s physical and mental health, patients are eagerly seeking help from medical providers to keep their symptoms under control. It has become increasingly apparent that the pathophysiology of acne is often misunderstood by providers as antibiotics are being used as its go-to treatment. This article serves to address the misuse of antibiotics as a treatment for acne as well as the resulting increase in antimicrobial resistance. Nonpharmacologic treatment methods have become a heightened topic for researchers to study as a means of properly addressing, treating and educating providers and their patients on acne.