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Date of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (Physician Assistant)


Physician Assistant; College of Health Sciences

First Advisor

Jaime Shaffer MMS PA-C


Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy, or ATTR-CM, is a lesser-known version of amyloidosis that impacts the heart in a variety of ways. With 55.2 cases per every 100,000 person-years, it is towards the rarer end of the disease spectrum.1 It is often overlooked and can present in many similar manners to other diseases and due to this, is often misdiagnosed; 50% of cases to be exact.2 Delays in diagnosis result in a poorer prognosis and ultimately a shortened lifespan. Fortunately, a great history, present technology, improved diagnostics, some of which are approved and others in the trial phase, the disease outlook is promising. However, continued improvements are still necessary. This paper will aim to culminate all of the information about ATTR-CM, as well as future steps that are/can be taken, and bring it all together into a source that can be referenced by providers worldwide in the constant fight against this deadly disease.



The Rare and Misdiagnosed Disease Known as Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM)

Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy, or ATTR-CM, is a lesser-known version of amyloidosis that impacts the heart in a variety of ways. With 55.2 cases per every 100,000 person-years, it is towards the rarer end of the disease spectrum.1 It is often overlooked and can present in many similar manners to other diseases and due to this, is often misdiagnosed; 50% of cases to be exact.2 Delays in diagnosis result in a poorer prognosis and ultimately a shortened lifespan. Fortunately, a great history, present technology, improved diagnostics, some of which are approved and others in the trial phase, the disease outlook is promising. However, continued improvements are still necessary. This paper will aim to culminate all of the information about ATTR-CM, as well as future steps that are/can be taken, and bring it all together into a source that can be referenced by providers worldwide in the constant fight against this deadly disease.