Date of Award

Spring 2022

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Biology; College of Arts & Sciences

First Advisor

Juan Duque


Organisms must maintain homeostasis that is regulated internally and externally. Fluctuation in homeostasis causes stress. Corticosterone, the main stress hormone in rodents, increases following exposure to acute stressors, such as being placed in a restrainer. However, early developmental experiences including maternal separation shape the development of the stress response into adulthood and impact the expression of depressive and anxiety-like behaviors. Many factors can shape the body's response to stress, for example, a rodent's previous exposure to a past stressor can affect their present behavior. Several studies have shown that female rats have lower or no changes in corticosterone levels compared to the male rats following developmental stress of maternal separation, though most indicate no sex difference. This thesis will explore how early life stress affects rodents’ development and corticosterone levels as well as the use of CBD as a potential therapeutic.

The current investigation found no sex differences with prolonged maternal deprivation on either PND3 or PND11. The second article examined the mechanism by which CBD and chronic stressors affects male Wistar rats; subjects displayed increased weight gain as well as hair CORT levels. Studies using maternal separation differ in both the duration of separating pups from their mothers, as well as how many days the daily procedure is continued. Therefore, results are difficult to generalize due to methodological differences. Some evidence suggests cannabidiol may counteract the effects of early life stress. However, more studies should be done to investigate the effects of chronic stress, CBD, and corticosterone levels. Additionally, there would be benefits of more research that looks at sex differences, as most studies were conducted on male rats. This variable makes it harder to generalize the results of how certain stressors and CBD would affect females.

Additional Files

BIO YacoubM Poster.pptx (624 kB)



Impact of Early Life Stress and Cannabidiol on Behavior and Corticosterone Levels in Male and Female Rats

Organisms must maintain homeostasis that is regulated internally and externally. Fluctuation in homeostasis causes stress. Corticosterone, the main stress hormone in rodents, increases following exposure to acute stressors, such as being placed in a restrainer. However, early developmental experiences including maternal separation shape the development of the stress response into adulthood and impact the expression of depressive and anxiety-like behaviors. Many factors can shape the body's response to stress, for example, a rodent's previous exposure to a past stressor can affect their present behavior. Several studies have shown that female rats have lower or no changes in corticosterone levels compared to the male rats following developmental stress of maternal separation, though most indicate no sex difference. This thesis will explore how early life stress affects rodents’ development and corticosterone levels as well as the use of CBD as a potential therapeutic.

The current investigation found no sex differences with prolonged maternal deprivation on either PND3 or PND11. The second article examined the mechanism by which CBD and chronic stressors affects male Wistar rats; subjects displayed increased weight gain as well as hair CORT levels. Studies using maternal separation differ in both the duration of separating pups from their mothers, as well as how many days the daily procedure is continued. Therefore, results are difficult to generalize due to methodological differences. Some evidence suggests cannabidiol may counteract the effects of early life stress. However, more studies should be done to investigate the effects of chronic stress, CBD, and corticosterone levels. Additionally, there would be benefits of more research that looks at sex differences, as most studies were conducted on male rats. This variable makes it harder to generalize the results of how certain stressors and CBD would affect females.