Date of Award

Spring 2022

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Historical & Political Studies; College of Arts & Sciences

First Advisor

Bruce Keller

Second Advisor

Christopher Cerski


The U.S. urban environment since the end of World War II has been dominated by the automobile to the extent of affecting nearly every aspect of U.S. society. In this thesis I am determining the extent to which car centric urban planning has influenced the standard of living enjoyed by American communities. I focus specifically on the economic, environmental and social impacts the automobile has had on U.S. cities, with Philadelphia as a reference, in comparison to world wide trends to display discrepancy and problems created by car dependency. Using the Public Policy Method, I found data to define what the policy problem was with regard to economic, environmental and social factors, relevant agendas of those involved in setting public policy with regard to the issue, developing a policy alternative and recommending specific policy implementation. Through my research I have concluded that the over reliance on the automobile in U.S. society has resulted in a decline in economic stability, environmental quality and social degradation.



Car Dependency: An Overview on how U.S. Society has been Impacted

The U.S. urban environment since the end of World War II has been dominated by the automobile to the extent of affecting nearly every aspect of U.S. society. In this thesis I am determining the extent to which car centric urban planning has influenced the standard of living enjoyed by American communities. I focus specifically on the economic, environmental and social impacts the automobile has had on U.S. cities, with Philadelphia as a reference, in comparison to world wide trends to display discrepancy and problems created by car dependency. Using the Public Policy Method, I found data to define what the policy problem was with regard to economic, environmental and social factors, relevant agendas of those involved in setting public policy with regard to the issue, developing a policy alternative and recommending specific policy implementation. Through my research I have concluded that the over reliance on the automobile in U.S. society has resulted in a decline in economic stability, environmental quality and social degradation.