China vs US: in the Wake of COVID-19 and a Future Configuration to the Global Order Led by the United States

Date of Award

Spring 2022

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Historical & Political Studies; College of Arts & Sciences

First Advisor

Prof. Angela Kachuyevski


This thesis explores the incidence of COVID-19 on the current unipolar order after China's and United States’ response. Will the United States maintain the edge after China's lack of soft power in response to COVID-19? Drawing upon the theoretical concepts of soft power and hard power, I examine US-China competition in the economic, political, and cultural spheres. Employing the analytic method of pattern matching, I find that China’s lack of soft power has for decades given the United States the lead as the global leader. I argue that the United States’ ability to exercise soft power and influence the world through its culture and political values has allowed the US to solidify its leadership in the world, and will continue to shape global politics.



China vs US: in the Wake of COVID-19 and a Future Configuration to the Global Order Led by the United States

This thesis explores the incidence of COVID-19 on the current unipolar order after China's and United States’ response. Will the United States maintain the edge after China's lack of soft power in response to COVID-19? Drawing upon the theoretical concepts of soft power and hard power, I examine US-China competition in the economic, political, and cultural spheres. Employing the analytic method of pattern matching, I find that China’s lack of soft power has for decades given the United States the lead as the global leader. I argue that the United States’ ability to exercise soft power and influence the world through its culture and political values has allowed the US to solidify its leadership in the world, and will continue to shape global politics.