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Date of Award

Spring 2021

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (Physician Assistant)


Physician Assistant; College of Health Sciences

First Advisor

Michael Huber


Historically, HIV has had a significant negative impact on the MSM population. Recently, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has shown efficacy in preventing the transmission of HIV. But it has not been declared whether PrEP encourages unsafe sexual practices or the spread of other STIs. This research seeks to answer the question: In MSM [P], does being on HIV PrEP [I] lead to a higher incidence of STIs among patients [O] when compared to MSM who are not on HIV PrEP [C].

Additional Files

Testa Poster Presentation.pdf (2039 kB)



Assessing the Prevalence of STIs Among MSM That Use PrEP for HIV Prevention

Historically, HIV has had a significant negative impact on the MSM population. Recently, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has shown efficacy in preventing the transmission of HIV. But it has not been declared whether PrEP encourages unsafe sexual practices or the spread of other STIs. This research seeks to answer the question: In MSM [P], does being on HIV PrEP [I] lead to a higher incidence of STIs among patients [O] when compared to MSM who are not on HIV PrEP [C].