Date of Award

Spring 2020

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Psychology; College of Arts & Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Clabaugh


Hardship is an inescapable human experience but the ability to cope with and overcome adversity is determined primarily by one’s ability to be resilient when adversity hits. The present research examines specific life experiences such as poverty and traumatic events as examples of adversity. It further investigates the potential moderators that can aid individuals in overcoming these adverse circumstances while still allowing them to stretch and practice their own internal resources and develop a sense of resilience that will serve them later in life. As a whole, society would benefit from reframing how we see hardship and adversity and viewing it more as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat. In today’s society, we should be focused on equipping others with the tools to be resilient in adversity rather than trying to shield them from hardship because at the end of the day, resilience leads to an overall sense of health and well-being throughout the lifespan.



The Advantage of the Disadvantaged in Developing Resilience

Hardship is an inescapable human experience but the ability to cope with and overcome adversity is determined primarily by one’s ability to be resilient when adversity hits. The present research examines specific life experiences such as poverty and traumatic events as examples of adversity. It further investigates the potential moderators that can aid individuals in overcoming these adverse circumstances while still allowing them to stretch and practice their own internal resources and develop a sense of resilience that will serve them later in life. As a whole, society would benefit from reframing how we see hardship and adversity and viewing it more as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat. In today’s society, we should be focused on equipping others with the tools to be resilient in adversity rather than trying to shield them from hardship because at the end of the day, resilience leads to an overall sense of health and well-being throughout the lifespan.