Date of Award

Spring 2020

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Arts & Sciences

First Advisor

Carlos Ortiz


As a result of the changing climate, global temperatures and global mean sea levels (GMSL) have been increasing rapidly. The complex physical systems surrounding this growth make it difficult to form an accurate model. This paper looks at a simplified model proposed and supported by Aral, Guan, and Chang. This model consists of a system of ordinary differential equations that are simplified and solved theoretically, then applied using python to calculate precise values and form predictions.

Additional Files

math capstone (2979 kB)
file containing data set, jupyter notebook, and graphs

math capstone.pptx (1042 kB)
capstone presentation



Climate Change Models

As a result of the changing climate, global temperatures and global mean sea levels (GMSL) have been increasing rapidly. The complex physical systems surrounding this growth make it difficult to form an accurate model. This paper looks at a simplified model proposed and supported by Aral, Guan, and Chang. This model consists of a system of ordinary differential equations that are simplified and solved theoretically, then applied using python to calculate precise values and form predictions.