Date of Award

Spring 2020

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Arts & Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Jia Yanxia


Study shows that most people spend a full quarter of their active hours on their mobile device which can take a serious toll on our productivity as well as our mental and physical well-being. We created an Android app that is able to track and visualize phone usage patterns to help user establish awareness of how much and in what ways they use their Android devices. Unlike currently existing phone time management apps, such as Apple’s ScreenTime and Google’s new Digital Wellbeing, our app provides functionalities to encourage off-phone time and personal goal management.

Additional Files

Capstone Writeup (1).pdf (315 kB)
Detailed description of application and functionalities



Where Did the Time Go?

Study shows that most people spend a full quarter of their active hours on their mobile device which can take a serious toll on our productivity as well as our mental and physical well-being. We created an Android app that is able to track and visualize phone usage patterns to help user establish awareness of how much and in what ways they use their Android devices. Unlike currently existing phone time management apps, such as Apple’s ScreenTime and Google’s new Digital Wellbeing, our app provides functionalities to encourage off-phone time and personal goal management.