Date of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (Physician Assistant)


Physician Assistant; College of Health Sciences

First Advisor

Sophie M. Farley MMS, PA-C


Early onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC) incidence and mortality are rising in a global trend, contrasting with improvements seen in late-onset colorectal cancer (LOCRC). EOCRC appears to differ in presentation, histology, and pathology from LOCRC painting concerns of a more aggressive tumor profile. With incidence steadily climbing, there is still lacking awareness and guidance on screening for EOCRC. This article aims to provide background on EOCRC including epidemiology, risk factors, and traits, as well as to explore methods for adjusting provider screening criteria to combat this concerning trend.



Early Onset Colorectal Cancer: Research, Trends & Challenges

Early onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC) incidence and mortality are rising in a global trend, contrasting with improvements seen in late-onset colorectal cancer (LOCRC). EOCRC appears to differ in presentation, histology, and pathology from LOCRC painting concerns of a more aggressive tumor profile. With incidence steadily climbing, there is still lacking awareness and guidance on screening for EOCRC. This article aims to provide background on EOCRC including epidemiology, risk factors, and traits, as well as to explore methods for adjusting provider screening criteria to combat this concerning trend.