Date of Award

Spring 2020

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Modern Languages & Cultures; College of Arts & Sciences

First Advisor

Giorgio Galbussera


The rising influence of far-right extremism in mainstream politics has been an issue the world over. From the U.S. to Brazil, this phenomenon is causing a shift in the ways in which governments are run. There may not be a better example than in Italy, where far-right parties have come to power democratically and continue to gain popularity. This thesis aims to explore and explain the underlying reasons behind the surge of the far-right to power in Italy. An emphasis is placed on going beyond superficial reasons such as rising levels of immigration to give a more complete story.


The paper is written in Italian.



The Rise of the Far-Right in Italy

The rising influence of far-right extremism in mainstream politics has been an issue the world over. From the U.S. to Brazil, this phenomenon is causing a shift in the ways in which governments are run. There may not be a better example than in Italy, where far-right parties have come to power democratically and continue to gain popularity. This thesis aims to explore and explain the underlying reasons behind the surge of the far-right to power in Italy. An emphasis is placed on going beyond superficial reasons such as rising levels of immigration to give a more complete story.