Date of Award

Spring 4-29-2016

Document Type


Degree Name

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Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice; College of Arts & Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Ana Maria Garcia


In the following essay, I will attempt to extend the understanding of disability as a
constitutive system – based on the social model of disability proposed by Mike Oliver – to the discussion of religious agency. I will first ground this theoretical application in a literature review with two areas of focus: (1) the dichotomy of modernity/secularism and religion, and (2) conceptualizations of agency. Specifically, my research question will be: how can “disability” as a category of analysis serve as a lens through which to analyze Western perceptions of religious agency in reference to Muslim women, and how does ableism shape Western, secular, feminist theories?


Awarded The Johnston Family Award in Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice - Given to an undergraduate student in Sociology, Anthropology or Criminal Justice who demonstrates excellence in cross-cultural research and writing.
